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Company Profile

Sevee Homoeo Lab LLP is a company with 100% satisfied customer base. Our Paschim Midnapore,West Bengal, India based company has gained popularity among customers for offering products like Homeopathic Drop For Fatty Liver, Homeopathic Drop For Cholesterol, Super Molt Homeopathic Syrup, Fevrol Homeopathic Syrup For Fever, etc. We have overcome various challenges and exceeded every single expectation of our buyers to attain this strong reputation. We promise to work with same ground of excellence and deliver value for customers money.

Key Facts of Sevee Homoeo Lab LLP:

Nature of Business

Manufacturer and Supplier


Paschim Midnapore,West Bengal, India

Year of Establishment


No. of Employees




Annual Turnover

INR 1 Crore

We accept only bulk quantity orders.
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